Preparing for surgery
Preparing for surgery even minimally invasive surgery takes some advance planning. You may want to use a checklist to assist you in your preparation.
Dr. Siram recommends avoiding any joint injections in the surgical site in the three months leading up to surgery. You should also cancel any dental appointments in the weeks immediately prior and after your surgery, and also speak with your doctor about suspending medications that could lead to complications, such as blood thinners. You will need to spend time resting and recovering in the days and weeks after your surgery. Speak with your employer to discuss the time you anticipate missing at work. At home, stock your pantry with food and beverages to simplify meal-time and help you stay hydrated after your procedure. Ensure your house is free of fall hazards, such as small objects or rugs that slide easily out of place. You may also wish to arrange temporary alternative care for any pets that live in your home.
Getting home after surgery
Transportation and assistance will also be necessary after surgery. As you are preparing for surgery, ask a spouse, adult child, or other close family member or friend to come with you to the hospital on the day of surgery and also drive you home once you are discharged. You will also need assistance the first night home after your surgery. If you are taking a narcotic pain medication, you will not be allowed to drive. This might mean that transportation assistance will be necessary several days after surgery including at your first follow-up appointment.